Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fishing At East Coast Six Pipes

Team Members on this trip consist of Me(Desmond),Gibert & Franky.Plan to depart & meet up Franky at ECP 8.00pm but end up late cos of our LATE KING Gibert which make me waited for him till 7.45pm.Reach & meet up Franky at around 8.15pm & as usual have a stick of Ciggy b4 moving to our spot.When we reach there & park our bikes,we noticed there's another group of kakis going to the spot we aiming for too.When they notice us having rod as well as going to the same spot they pick up their speed & rush there.Si bei Kiasu lo~like scare we will overtake them or snatch their gold from the gold mine.Anyway we jus take our time & walk there.We prepare our rods & reels once we settle down on the stone chair there & after a while a group of 2 kakis came.Not long came a group of Big Family.Husband,wife,2 small kids & their ah ma...LoL~The 2 kids si bei playful keep running around KBKP which i believe making the 2 kakis which came after us to leave the place.Franky scare the ah ma when he casting his rod,Whahahaha thinking of the way the ah ma react i wanna laugh again now.His line in his reel get stuck wif ''CAI'' so making his rig going high up & land near the ah ma.Ah ma keep KBKP saying so dangerous & whenever Franky wanna make a cast,she will siam far away from him.LoL~Gibert keep saying those 2 kids r cute cos whenever they saw a catfish they will shout loud saying ''Mao''Yu'' but i think they r disturbing us fishing.
After all this cartoon entertainment it started raining.At 1st drizzling but after about 3mins of small droplets it became heavier & heavier.We have no choice so pack up & hide on a shelter near there.B4 we were at the shelter,there's a couple(franky say they r Jian Fu Yin Fu,cos suspect they having secret affair after overheard their conversation) & a couple of uncle auntie in their late 40.We started smoking after we put all our stuff down & i notice the uncle & auntie saying things bad & doing those irraiting action on us due to our ciggy smoke they have inhaled but we hack care & jus enjoy.After about waiting for 1 to 2 hours for the rain to stop we went back to fish again.After fishing for about 1 hour plus it started raining again & this time even more powerful than previous 1 so we pack up fast & rush to the shelter again.3 of us were shivering & in the end make up our mind & proceed to our bikes & rush to Macdonald to have some hot coffee & burgers.Talk cock till morning 5.30am we decide to went home.What a ''Lang'' ''Pei'' fishing trip we have,kana 3 small catfish & end up with whole body wet.

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