Saturday, October 18, 2008

Night trip on Ah Suay boat at southern island!!!

Hi guys sorry for late fr. On tat day boarded the boat at west coast pier at 6pm. Depart the dock 15min later. The weather was fine and windy a nice day to fish ya. So the first spot was to net for our life bait sotong. For back up we also have dead sotong jus incase. So will netting for our bait we also fish at the same time using dead sotong. Nt a while one of the kaki Ah Boon first catch of the day Sand Shark. Lol all laugh at him cos he every time joke tat he veri pro.... Whahaha funny guy he is. then came the second catch a grouper. After tat we move spot. The second spot is where i perform liao.... hehehe... went there first catch by mi a Ang Cho Kee. All excited but too bad i the onli one on the boat caught it. Then came my second a Blue Spotted Ray after tat we move on again and tis is where we park our boat till next day. At first was veri sian but gradually u see....... first a few kaki caught sea bass mi too also caught one..... then while at the wee time all was tired and went to rest, suddenly beside my rod came a reel scream. Wow man tat scream wak all of them and came to see. The lne kept on going till its limit then we ask the guy pump now tat is the time. So he pump and pump if nt wrong it went a 100m extimation. then when it get nearer it was a HUGE Hung. It is the leapard ray. Weight around 15 to 20 kg. It was a good fight. after tis scream then is all peace full all the way till we go home. Too bad tat day the water wave current was a bit big so spot wise we cant go any way. But nt bad already total catch is 14 fishes together. Above are some pic enjoy it ya......

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