Saturday, October 25, 2008

Night Fishing at SECRET spot

Its was a Saturday evening and I'm working mid shift and raffles city. Decided to call desmond while i was working to confirm whether got go fishing. I made my call and sam was on the line, so we conference. After about 15mins we finally decide to go to our secret spot where unfathomable things happen. Haha. Headed home after work and meet them at about 8pm. Once we reach the place, we were appalled, It seems that the road had been covered. However, we managed to find another path and road march begins. Chose our spot, finish setting up, sam threw the first cast followed by desmond. After 5mins or so, both of them caught their fish. WTH!! so fast? So i faster tie my apollo and cast, and finally.. its my turn. Haha. At about 12 plus, we pack up. sam said want to go drink, so we went to a pub. At the pub, desmond and me felt so weird, its like out first time at a ktv pub after long! After which, we ended our day.
members who went fishing consist of: desmond, sam, tian sou, james, ah tion and me(bert)

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