Monday, October 13, 2008

Fishing At SAFYC

Members in this trip:Desmond,Ah Wei,Franky & GF,Sam & Tian Sou.Went over to do our Polo T when we reach Changi V & not long after MotoGP Franky & his GF arrived.After placing our order we proceed to Riverland Tackle Shop to buy our Baits.Tian Sou previously bought himself a 2nd hand Shimano AeroSpin Rod & this time he find himself a Daiwa Surf Casting Spinning Reel to pair up with his rod.This Reel making Desmond wanna have it too cos its much more better than his Surf Spinning Reel he using now.Much more lighter & beautifully design too.
Proceed to the spot & HengHeng let us found some space to settle down there due to many people fishing there too with whole row of rod.While we r preparing our weapon for war all of us kana attack by the evil MOSQITOES.Desmond went around the area to find some newspaper to burn so the smoke can chase the mosqitoes away.Later Sam bring out 1 packet of mosqitoes coil which really save us being suck till dry.Tian Sou was the most happy & KanCheong man cos he can finally cast his new set of rod & reel.Franky keep having line snap & small & big BeeHoon on his Tica reel.After losing many weigh,hooks,line & light,we all can see he is really very frustrated.Whenever he cast,his line will CHU Pattern.Later Desmond went over to help him set his reel turning speed & he try casting again.This time can see him smile & joke again cos the problem of his reel is solve.
We get ZERO catch this trip but most of us treated it like relaxing & chit chat gathering.We pack up & went over to Tampines for our supper at around 4am++.After makan all went home to Lau Sai..Blame the CB chinaman who give us lau sai HUM in our laksa.

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